Think Differently with New Thinking

When you can’t see the messages coming in telling you about change but you had no idea it was all about the way we all think. Not everyone has severe trauma. So, there are a nice bunch of people out there that don’t need it so much. Still, there are also many that need this.

For so long my friend Lynn said you need to develop a new way of thinking. This stuck in my head for years. It was because I had no idea how the thought process I would engage in was toxic to my soul. You don’t know because it’s a slow cooker and at the time you don’t realize you are or have been living in survival mode.

I love all the zen shyt now! It makes me happy to be in the present but healthy and wellness for mindfulness and mindfull thinking. We tend to stay in the increasing tensions of survival just because we had a nice spa or cleansing. We must learn to be more of all that. But give yourselves credit because anyone that is part of the every day hustle and bustle….”the matrix” AND paying your bills and keeping your lodging and transportation is amazing when you are maintaining that zen, spirituality or mental balance….whatever but I the Baba ganesh applaud you. It’s not easy being balanced in this world when there are “ugly on the inside” evil people always trying to make it hard for those who carry a light for the bettering of our families and environment.

Change is inevitable and it will happen without your consent. However, if you are ill prepared then you will notice yourself struggling with your every day lives due to many personal things but for one, emotions when you should have let long ago. Don’t allow pride to dictate your elevations and furthering and/or well, manifesting.

Part of a healthier mind is seeking the things we consume to be well and right for us and our bodies. We were never really supposed to eat animals and well there it is. And what follows this act in our current age is powdered drinks, soda, fast food, greasy foods and candy. Raw veggies help us to cleanse all the crap we have been shoveling in our temples for decades. Drinking water with lemons and pink Himalayan salt out of glass can help a great deal with keeping us from getting worse. When I say getting worse, I mean I know so many older folks who tell me they are paying out their ass with medical like taking all these pills that are causing them to hold on to their physical lives by a thread. This is because they didn’t care what they were eating before when they were younger. Comfort food after 40 is suicide. It sucks but I gave up coffee because I would force cooking fat shyt egg sammis in the morning for half a century almost. It was like a religion for me to have a pastry or egg sandwich with my coffee every time and if it wasn’t as perfect as I desired, I would get mad. I would get so mad that I’d “show my ass”! I laugh now but it was a real struggle for me. I am still having a hard time but I let go of the anger. I am so much better now. I love fasting and clearing my food track. This resets the body and helps you drop unwanted weight.

Changing the way you think also helps to mend family relationships which are worth saving. Forgiveness is a much heavier subject and not needed to get into it at this moment but I will tell you this. A true forgiveness which is balanced from both sides….you know real and not FAKE? Yeah, that part? Yeah! That’s what can lead to a great thing like that from changing our thinking and the way we eat, drink and maintain our lodging environment or immediate living quarters. If we get into chakras and meditation because we still have a slight “heard mentality’ then we will also notice becoming stagnant on our spiritual or mental journey. We first gotta go deep within and let go and forgive ourselves for the beating we give ourselves in a subconscious level when we were trying to survive. Then others and try to be in the present fully and balanced so that we are not falling back or constantly needing help. Let’s all get more zen. Remember our ancestors like from KEMET and Guatemala. They created miracles and manifested from paious actions and engaging in a flow of paiousness. I’m not saying you have to do it but please for your health sake and your family and environment is why you should try all this.

Thank you all and SARAVA 💚🙏🏾

ACBN American Radio

I can’t believe that it was just in the beginning of 2023 that I honestly had no idea what the hell I was doing in the electronic or technological side of the entertainment industry. For years in my older youth, my friends would urge me to learn music software engineering on my own. I took it for granted at the time. I was walking on a cloud thinking that I would always have my friends to help me push them buttons. I seriously could not imagine me being here at this point. Audacity made me sit down and pay the hell attention. Behringer made me sit down and pay attention. Mic shopping for talk radio made me sit down and pay attention. Hell straight electrical base as in electricity and electronic technological devices made me sit down and pay attention until I could finally record, edit and master just one radio talk show. Sure going live is everything but we are still working out the kinks and hoping one day we make a great show that is FCC certified!

I’m feeling so good that even though I’m still having issues with this 1200 watt amp I got the speakers to finally work. Nice bass punchy sound and so nice to hang and just listen to an official stereo system like from back in the day. I totally am still researching and hopefully get real up todate equipment. Also start looking into real certified transmission. It don’t have to be FM.

Been going through a lot and have also been healing but it’s not easy dealing with accident pain 247, dealing with trying to find a program director but filling them shoes while wearing every hat. However, I’m grateful for the amount of subscribers that the ACBN YouTube Channel has grown into. Also grateful for the thousand of views on the ACBN Party Playlist and Artist Spotlight videos are get that flow of viewers that help the channel. I’m so proud of ACBN and I’m so thankful for all the people, my friends who have helped and donated the equipment to start up this real radio station. I’m grateful for the FCC and longing to get on real radio with us comedic flow and knowledge for music and ready to also perform.

There were so many times that I wanted to give up with being threatened by strange people, dealing with the physical aftermath of my accident, my friends and family totally abandoning me and disrespectful energy flowing heavily through people I was including and hiring for our grand event for spirituality and entertainment. On top of that, my safety and freedom being threatened by old closed case shyt that is irrelevant and waistful to society. Not to mention the fact that it is downright unamerican and immorably corrupt. Anyways, the fight is not over but I can finally rest and heal until I can go back to school and rebuild all that was lost. Nevertheless, until then, I will still be rockin in the USA style on AWARENESS CARELESS BROADCASTING NETWORK where we who are cognizant of America and the rest of the world and it’s cultural and issues are aware of the carelessness all over this globe! In your cities and backyardls, in your schools, clubs, gyms and bars. America is revealing the evil and who is doing and saying and supporting and empowering this archon and it’s well oiled murder machine.

We are the new and old super power but we are here to help rebuild everything for love and light and prosperity as real good souled Americans and helping each other instead of hating and hurting each other. Not a supporter or helper of the archon, not for racism, misogyny, or imperialism! We are real American fair news reporters, writers, radio hosts, story tellers and entertainers.

ACBN Mourning Bulletin is a new morning talk show which is getting better and better at it’s all round production. ACBN Mourning Bulletin is a daily news troll but with music and fun antics. What is next for ACBN is Kook Ghoulie Theater and the first show which will be ready by the middle of this summer is School of The Harsh Knockarounds. This is a funny cartoon with a hint of it’s Twilight zonish story structure but it’s great for all ages. This story is about my grammar school growing up in Bayonne. Roberson school which was knocked down many years ago but it was on Andrew and Ave C. It was the roughest but most productive and proud moment of my life. I actually made probably more bully enemies that lead into highschool but it was all worth it in the end. I have so many amazing memories that I wrote a story about it and it’s so rich alone in it’s volumous materials that it’s gonna be a many season series. I wish to make it animation but I have not found that person just yet.

Hope you all enjoy ACBN Party Playlist and Artist Spotlight videos for music listening enjoyment. Also, new morning show; ACBN Mourning Bulletin and look out for School of The Harsh Knockarounds on Kook Ghoulie Theater a new media production by Awareness Careless Broadcasting Network on YouTube Channel @awarenesscarelessbn


Podcasts, Talk Radio and Broadcasting….The Fun World.

There’s an ocean of this great energy unlike before and there are listeners even farther than we think.

I can’t get over the audacity one has to speak publicly and be great about it. To influence so many in the most positive way or heal with utter hysteria. It’s a sure science of that. I have no idea but TV can be great but radio is the greatest of all. Radio sets the view and it’s a wonderful ride down this glorious path of pure excite. Today is mostly humor but I remember my friend’s gram talk about a friend who worked for a radio station and would have help with the scenes. You never know who’s in it. They say radio is dead well, I can’t speak for others but even if I’m not from ol timy radio stories erra, I still love the idea.

I have been writing these scenes for a series called Kook Ghoulie Theater which will Premier soon on YouTube. I have other things but Kook Ghoulie Theater is like sorta taking a trip on memory lane for some but mostly there are some great fun stories to follow along to which are coming soon to ACBN YouTube Channel @awarenesscarelessbn

I love that even one person who, to me would be a writer and creative one or imaginary in their manifesting of any art. These people can have probably the best shows because of how artisan community thinks.

Radio is definitely the greatest gateway of communication even beyond. Today, we have podcasting. Technically, I’m not even there yet because podcasting had a camera and at this point I’m not going to use a cell on phone. ACBN must do better and get a pro cam in the studio if we want podcasts….my goodness..RMEs 🙄🙄🙄 I probably should be doing that which I totally see THE PANEL having more of a podcast than a radio show but maybe. Still, there is nothing like radio but with a bad ass team of interesting personalities who are in the know and very much awakened to what’s real and cognizant of their own self discoveries. Can’t wait to blast off with these misfits. Well, they’re good people! 💚

Tech this and tech that. Technology is not something I really hate but it’s having to stop myself and learn this is a real pain in the dupa! Hell, back then they had to still deal with circuitry and many things that scare the hell out of me like giant fuses which look like they would explode. So, I shouldn’t complain but it’s still scary like pure electricity. How ironic because I just remember doing work for pearl studios but the one in union City. We we’re installing insulation and yes the pink kind that itches. This was like 15 years ago maybe 20 and we had almost finished and one of the workers said he would tighten a loose screw in the light switch and he got blasted and had black dust on his face. We bout died but also was wondering if our friend wasn’t too cooked. This is why I respect tech and Hey would rather the hell not. Hey, what can I say. No one ever showed me correctly growing up electrical shyt and tech. Some of it I had to figure it out for myself but it’s sure forced now. As a teen I actually had a lot of people who were into recording and other things like actual concert or show equipment. Today, I’m winding up having to try to get it all on my own. So grateful for the latest contributions to ACBN. This is why I wish I had a tech person and a production manager LOL. Knowing wattage is very important and I am on the search. It’s really good to learn the old school stuff because it helps to pinpoint any unwanted further difficulties with your technology for broadcasting or studio recording. I been feeling looking at equipment but the more I realize what is appropriate for every separate thing starts to cost more and more. I laugh but when you are better being called or your life is just going in that direction you either go all in if you have a pot or you slowly save your pennies for these raining storminess with falling in love with edutainment and helping people but in this information super highway approach. But more the tech haha! I hate the prices but I love certain little biddies like Electro Voice and Shure aweosme studio condenser microphones which I was a loyal seeker of this EV tech microphones but there are a really nice variety of talk show mics out there. As of this moment ACBN has an investment in Audiopro usb mic which is turning out to fit up and coming tech that even the sales agents at guitar center said no way but I learned this from a mixcast 4 YouTube vid. I got this stereo output oldschool DJ CD / mixer and an 1100 watt amp which I need speakers for it. I got this electronic drum set which is fine and that tascam 8 track broadcaste coming which I want it all together but I am in a frozen state and I think I need like things that are going to make these things connect LOL

It’s just so exciting to be a part of ACBN radio. I am putting all I got riding on this puppy. From learning and playing musical instruments ad a kid to knowing what songs I loved and intrigued by genres of all kinds to actually performing in public in to my imagination and writing, playing in a band and coming close to being signed and later doing visual media or internet tv, plus adding my knowledge and experience in multiple talents and administrations plus dealing with public events I feel as though I and my circle are meant for this. We’re definitely bringing back that old school fun dealing for the “Listeners”. And I mean on a global scale.

I will never forget being at the sub school of 95.5 and that day like 8 years back being called to the booth and I was such in a weird mood. This was you could say interview for real radio. I was given a special sheet like a script for steak, champaign and this music but it was the idea of an evening of fun. It almost felt like they were talking about a date but I totally dug the steak part. Anyways, I purposely did this weird voice. I thought I messed up and just sounded like an idiot. However, they had asked me to do it again and again a third time. I realized they like my asshole troll voice impressions. After this there was these group of young gods who asked me to join them. It never worked out….Sabaroge maybe hahaha it’s all good. Next up….TALK RADIO BAYBEH!!!🎙️ 📻🤌🏾👀🇺🇸

Its now time for the real party to begin. This is the real fun world we should all come back to. Awareness Careless Broadcasting Network radio that is aware of the carelessness happening all over the world. In your cities, on your streets, towns, jobs, schools and everywhere. It’s time to fix things so we can see better lives being lived in great purpose and healthy wellness forevermore. Please enjoy the current currents of great audible currency for your enjoyment listening on ACBN radio.

NSEW Traveling Fair 2023

This is a pretty cool gang of artisan type folks who have gotten together for a fun day of art and culture. Pretty much, I say you can chalk it up to science, spirituality, education, experience and talent. Sure it’s now a big biz all over this country but the best are the stories that people tell about how they identified with something that was told to them from one of the consultants at the fair which led them to make a decision that brought on great change in their life. This is what it’s all about. This is the witnessing of the help in the stars and from no other than the hands of earth which is looking like The Psychatrons. Yup, that’s them. They are a cool and talented spiritual team of banditos and bandidtas. It’s awesome to take notes from those who have experienced much in life and are well lived. These folks have the diamonds of wisdom waiting waiting to share with you.

So, they are looking for workers of all kind for this up and coming event:

Cooks, Cleaners, Hosts, Artists, Vendors, Psychics, Healers, Musicians, Poets, Comedians and All Artisan who would like to be a part of this. Get paid for your talent. Here is a link to there help wanted post.

I can’t wait to see which artists will be performing at the new NSEW Fair.

The Food

The Dancing

The Entertainment

The Vendors

The Healing oh so good!

And All The Metaphysicians are all so interesting and what an exciting day of so much fun to look forward to. It’s gonna be a blast!


Memories Of Love And Light (crazy good times)

Please be kind and rewind

Remember all the times we cooled out

Crazy good times

Good memories in the sky

So high

Zo nice

So right to engage in flight

Or the night

But we didn’t know

We didn’t know the Exactaa  

We didn’t see the prize

Happiness was the fellowship

Your Betrayal and false accusations was only your demise

Now no one says hi

Now our eyes are open

We been through all the folly

We are standing firm

Don’t look at the calamity

Don’t worry about the chaos

Some of them are LIES

Its ok you will be ok

I’m winking at your day

Relax and chill with a canna cake

Drink good water

Eat some raw food from the ground



But don’t be a fool

Be free from disease

Of the mind

I pine for the divine of my soul inside

Money aint shyt,

I’ll grind and get it

Either way when i die

I will be the god on high

Because this earth is mine

No need to cry

I am the god of fine

I am the god of earth

And of your birth

And of your worth

And the seasons

That seldom lurk

I am the sun and the grave

This is the 10th time i gotta tell you


Just look up and feel my warmth

You may hate me but i don’t hate

I give you tum

I bless your drum

I make you shine like the brightest of stars

Posses not the glum

Joy is here

Live, laugh and bump

The night without shame

I do retain the truth of your game

Watch yourself

Make way for the new you

Exchange the confusion for the truth



Or in the end

You will awaken to your Eternal Darkness



Some times life’s quick fixes in any aspect of your personal day to day living are not the essence of what should be done at the moment. Job, relationship, parenting, hobbies or anything. This is a time for refining and not so much “wrap it in a towel and tie it with a rope” solution. Yes of course, don’t give up what is working and in fact for that you must make it better, clean it up, expand it, upgrade or whatever increasing factors can be implemented, then hey, just let it flow in completion during Libra Season if you act on it now so it will work out in your favor come this Spring. This is your time to rewind and think about those dreams or ideas that are huge or seem out of your league? But for whatever reason you think logically it’s not going to happen or it would be stupid of you to focus on it because you are not prepared financially? I know, I know. Many people think this way but it’s normal so chill and think hard, there is a blessing in something about you taking a moment to do some thinking about the direction in which you are headed. You never know who you may meet. You never know how life might change. Don’t be afraid! Have faith in yourself!

Intro to Magical Spirituality & Basic View of it’s Sciences

The Basics of Esoteric Sciences & Philosophies

by Cris Blakk

This is a nice and easy way to start off in magic. I chose the more healthy and proper way to prepare your mind and body for magical spirituality and it’s sciences to benefit you. Viewing Kemetic ritual structures and conjunct them to find the core value and connection of Quantum Biological information (magick) that you can decide for yourself if it connects and makes sense. Along with this we will be viewing Chakra Science, Meditation, Cleansing, Breathing and all the things that are commonly known to connect the human race, religions and many magical sciences.

“Coming into being, Awakened, Enlightened, Xepar, Metaphysical, Spiritual”, and all kinds of terms, words and phrases to describe a person realizing that there is more then meets the eye in reality of all our lives in this current age we abide together in…..

What is the first thing that we all have in common with everyone in the world or at least a larger percentage of the world takes part of? We wake up in the morning and go about our day. Believe it or not this is a ritual so to speak because it’s going to determine your week on how you treat your human morning. The sun is the most powerful star and planet near Earth. Therefor, we humans use everything we can possibly use even just on a physically normal level. The sun feeds the plants and our whole way of living and we we don’t realize is that there is even more power through a cosmological view point to advance humans with favor from the act of manifesting one’s realty. What is the point you ask?

Your first magical ancient ritual that leads all the way back to ancient Egypt which is true name is Kemet this ritual is called Resh. This should be your most important ritual is to connect with the closest and most powerful star.

Resh is greeting the sun under the protective and tower like watch of the land before the sun rises. The whole point is to meditate into the sun rise so you wanna get out before the sun rises. We greet the sun in the name of that anu or god which are the Egyptian pantheon such as RA, Ahathoor, Tum, and Kephra which are a part of the same pantheon as Isis/Auset, Osiris/Auser and Anubis/Anpu. There are 4 times to greet the sun so there are 4 spirits or gods of those points of time for one day. You don’t have to choose all of them but at least try one or two for 30 days and tell me if your life don’t change. This is just one ritual or one type of magick. See this will cause more humans to have respect for magic/magick and creat historic alchemical mass of energy distribution for your favor or intention.

Here is a website that measures time zones and time to the perfect second for you to perform this ritual unto the sun. But after clicking on the link you must click on home and then click on “resh times” and you can fill out the time zone for your area so you can get your true resh time for ritual.


The second thing we are going to get into is meditation. I don’t care what you say or think. Your not going to learn how to truly release unwanted energy unless its first by relaxing which will lead to a higher kundalini and manifesting rate. See if there was a meter no matter what most people either hit the mark for a short period of time or hit the medium and ride out a wave while peaking once or twice and then fall off. And the small percentage hitting the heights and maybe even becoming rich and famous. You can’t manifest if your energy is rushing and going crazy unless we are talking about baneful works which that is not what we are doing here. No need to tain your system if you’re not ready for that type of magical energy work. So you are going to find time to sit and be quite. Nothing hard or anything relating to rocket science but something we all deserve and that is to relax. Drop all though. Be unto you. This is also part of self preservation and self care which believe it or not is a mission statement for nurses in all fields of medical and hospital work. Did you know that you can manifest by just breathing? Did you know that you can add muscle to your quantum biological structure in your body by breathing certain ways and visualizing your own healing. Not good for you to go out and heal when you need healing yourself. It’s not going to hurt anyone else but you. Some people have been doing it for years and are mastering it but its good to take baby steps in magick so you appreciate your “come up”.


Chakras are amazing because there are so many schools of thought and its enough to try and allow healing and building that will lead to be able to perform crafts, works and manifesting and hopefully an even higher growth in people wanting to heal others. One amazing thing about chakras are that there are stories of beings and gods of other spiritual and religion traditions or sciences that show how each chakra can represent one god. This is a sign that humans are more powerful that we think. Chakras heal our bodies even when we don’t realize that if we didn’t get involved with this we wouldn’t have healed as much. Yogic Chakra teachings are originally vedic and later Yoga was made. Yogic chakra teachings are to me not that hard to comprehend and learn truth about the word chakra, how to pronounce and the history. After wards you can start learning how to properly open and close your chakras, align your chakras and cleanse your chakras. This will lead to the final phase of this teaching which is Energy Movement.

Learn to move energy in your body and around you. You have a magnetic field around you to, heal, yourself, others and manifest for your life.

You can start by breathing in and out of your nose deep and calm. Begin to visualize the energy in your body and do a simple technique by moving the energy flowing from your right hand chakra into your left hand chakra. Try to maintain and nice generous distance. This will teach you that your chakras and energy movement can increase in power because they are similar to muscle memory and how that works. After a while you can now remove and replace energy and also push energies like headaches and pain from your own body right through your chakras and meridians. This will lead to you wanting to master either Reiki, Prana, Qigong or all three for healing. Healing is a powerful attribute involving manifesting through craft, planetary alchemic work or ritual or thought alone. After 90 days choose a magical religion or structure to learn and become a part of and attempt to manifest through a working of that religion or structure.


You can do a simple light meditation and start with a small ball the size of a ping pong or golf ball and allow it to grow into a vehicle. You get in it and allow the vehicle to become you and then you star burst filling every cell and blood vessel. Every muscle and spot on your body causing a pur bright light star burst to come out of every meridian, chakra and pore until you feel so good. Breath and relax while you do this for an hour once a week or 2 minutes a day and it will cleanse you completely. You will begin to notice how you also feel strongly to react to any given situation in the highest wisdom of your well being and add great strength to your psychic readings, healings and magical workings. Thank you for being a part of this and Increase and favor to you new road.


I left breathing for last because it so important people forget and have no idea how powerful breath alone can manifest. I personally remove pain and infection from thr human body on breathing. An art called Pranayama which in the United States it is called Prana and also Pranic Healing. You can breath deep and calm in and out of yoir nose and you can feel th emergy also breathing in and out of your chakras in every part of your body. Breathing properly may also manifest things instantly so don’t be shocked lol. Look up Yogic breathing. They should have like 10 different ways of breathing. This will help a great deal!

Once you learn all these things and you’ll just know in your heart that you are doing them right, you will truly manifest.


Cris Blakk

Esoteric Science Practitioner

Santa Muerte Tarot 12 Card Spread

The Santa Muerte Tarot is a hit in the tarot community and I myself am enjoying using this deck for videos and posts like this one. The creator of the Santa Muerte Tarot is none other then Fabio Listrani. Thank Fabio. Can’t wait to get your new Santa Muerte Oracle Deck.

So this 12 card spread is an old school life line type of spread but as far as my intent, well, I sae it more as a level or phase and allow the universe to show the time specifics if need be.


Time Interval: Phase 1

1st Draw – 4 of Wands


This particular card the 4 of Wands was drawn upside down but first let me explain the right side up and normal meaning. The 4 of Wands right side up means creativity, balance and prosperity and manifesting. And for the placement that it represents a foundation in position as being the 1st card tells the soul of the person and how things started off for this particular person or like I said before my intention is to read the whole Los Angeles almost like the way the ephemeris is supposed to be read. These cards are following in time are other parts and the ones underneath at times perfectly connect to the first position from top to bottom so the two cards underneath will be also part of that foundation regardless if it is right side up or up side down. The 4 of Wands for Santa Muerte means balance and prosperous and I can see that this reading has something to do with something specific like talent and/or administrations. So far, for Los Angeles, this is calling out to all people and every sign to come together in talent and help the up and coming talent in guidance and wisdom especially for balance. Balance is important for those to awaken or the youth. The only thing I can say is that if this card was upside down then that would mean that the person is getting too attached to the elevation of what was manifested.

Try appreciating and working with what you have and drawing increase to what you have and truly enjoying yourself in wellness in this particular and present moment.


This next card is being drawn from left to right. 4 across and 3 down.

2nd Card Drawn – THE HERMIT XI

20180418_021549 This card is pretty famous and well know in the tarot and for the santa muerte this card means to go inward and do major meditation and search for answers. Perhaps if you are experienced in scrying, it helps me for certain. Just easy thinking and relaxation and asking the universe what it is you need to fix about yourself or your life. Perhaps something you should address. For many it’s a certain attitude or probably a bad habit. For others it could be physical like working out or dieting and losing weight for health reasons. And also for most, when it comes to talents, there are projects, books, songs, albums, inventions, house projects, promises and duties all left for the “I’ll get to it when I can” but never accomplished to completion. This major archana is more about shedding and completing these things that were left in the life line of all people will do better taking care of all dealing with the matters once and for all.


3rd Card Drawn – Page of Cups

20180418_033550 The Page of Cups is a lesson in life to teach you that you aint no Emperor yet. If you want to be cream of the crop you have to act as if you are always a beginner so to speak. Most beginners are either studying a lot or just studying enough to set them off in each part of a structure such as Math or a trade like Electricity. I mean you have to go to school for that, doctor, scientist whatever man. You have to be certified in everything these days. This is a nice recourse or revisiting the things that you didn’t master. Mastering and sharping your skills like some psychics try to do readings without tools to make their psychic energy stronger and see deeper. It can be anything. Dirt bike motor cross racing, baking, growing herbs for healing, or anything you are good at, sooner or later your going to find yourself looking stuff up. Go out and get certified. This card is not so much a perfectionist but telling you that before the universe ups the level on you or anything you been waiting for, when this card pops up, it means to perfect yourself so you can face that upper level because its going to come with increase in favor and blessings, gifts, raises, prizes, winnings, promotions, and anything like that it can also come with any level teaching and some may even be saturnish which we all know can be a bit uncomfortable but only makes our souls like iron and light.


4th Card Drawn – 10 of Swords

20180418_051713 The 10 of Swords Upside Down but I will explain the right side up first like I did with the other cards. The 10 Swords means that you have transformed and now ready to face what is ahead. Now upside down this could very well have some different reasons to be fair to the difference between fault and circumstance. I guess in a sense in doesn’t matter but upside down this means that going forward is not possible because of either not preparing right or again due to uncontrollable circumstance. This means that the person can’t be held account of that is the truth about why but then gain it’s just a card telling you. Forget the past that may feel as though it seems haunting. Just let it all go and relax and fix your problems.


Time Interval: Phase 2 – Many of times giving a reading, I will see the 2nd Phase in my clients as the present time. Just like if you draw only 3 cards as in a time line, you will notice the middle being the holding time or the present.

5th Card Drawn – Page of Swords

20180418_065827 The Page of Swords is a huge opportunity card. However this one upside down means that there is a block or trouble. So the solution remains to be the same. Look out for opportunity. Keep searching and don’t give up. Sorry but this one is very simple and to the point, no need to add to this due to the fact that upside down is a sign that the spirits are helping…wink wink.


6th Card Drawn – 5 of Cups


Funny how Santisima teaches and brings you through to new levels of your life that you need even though they might not be comfortable. The 5 of Cups is the perfect card for retreating inwardly. This card tells that there will be a period of time to think about your emotions and how it plays out especially if we face daily or seldom challenges which are personal obviously being that this card is about going into yourself like a meditation and dealing with your emotions. Yes we have a maze of emotions and that is what you see at the top of the card. This card is displaying a skeleton with a sheep face and a maze on the brain. No one ever said that dealing with our emotions is easy. This is why changing for the better is a strong task because we are coming to a view of ourselves that we may not agree with. You just need to meditate and think about how your emotions might overwhelm others so we need to do all we can to bring balance to our life especially with our emotions. BTW….when it comes to being really in-tune with your psychic skills intuitively, we


7th Card Drawn – THE STAR XVII

20180428_022720 I think I might attempt to over explain the against the actuality of this card in my humanness but the truth is that it is saying in it’s upside down form that the person has lost hope. However, we must understand that this might really be a drop in energy. Then again that also does not matter against the truth which right side up this hope. The more elevated mind does not need hope but there is a magical mindset in not giving up and hoping. The other mind will say that they are just testing the idea of success but that if it doesn’t happen but there is a great energy in our emotions. Our emotions can either rule over us, hence the card falling upside down or we can benefit from them. Nevertheless, this card means what it means. So if this is you then please don’t give up. Don’t stop feeling that excitement and joy even though you might not be getting what you wanted yet. Hold on! Someone will notice your energy and so for this reason the energies/the dead/spirits….will see you through to your contact of the up the ladder climbing of your business or talent or whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish but if you give up now or lower your energy towards your goals, you may miss something. Allow the energies to help you but we have to be in tune with them more even just by taking the time to meditate and relax. This will set the tone for energies to communicate and give you hints.


8th Card Drawn – 3 of Wands

20180428_025913 The 3 of Wands is all about Opportunity through social encounters. New beginnings, new relationships and so on which can all lead to other opportunities. This is such a great view of the end of the second phase in the timeline of this reading. This shows improvement because that is what this card’s energy is. The card is saying that improvement is happening. So this is a great turn around from the prior card which was “The Star” upside down. This is great because the energies are hinting on a great end of the last phase. Wonderful!


Last Time Interval: Final Phase

If this was a personal friend, I’d be feeling real good for him or her according to the changing of forseen outcome and uprising of positive energy. These cards are what is coming or has already started

9th Card Drawn – THE EMPRESS III

20180428_031253 The Empress represents a time of a rise in creative energy. Here is where you have to be alert and ready. I say ready and this card is also dealing with the making sure of things. We want to be clear in our communications, making sure all your i’s are dotted and t’s crossed! This is serious business with the representation of the self and the fact that the tight rope part of the card is to be careful but know when to act because of the action is too impulsive, you may be cut from something where you should have been allowed your time of development. So be on your p’s and q’s. Use this grand time of creativity and opportunity wisely.

10th Card Drawn – 6 of Wands


The 6 of Wands represents a victory so to speak. This card is all about being recognized for your work. This card is where you shine. I feel as though the universe moves us here for more assistance and perhaps evn favor. This can also represent elevation such as job promotion, moving uo higher in your business and matters such as these. Stick to your true security and boldness in who you have become and your work’s proof shone. Becareful for your expectations not to make foolish errors.


11th Card Drawn – King of Swords


This card is right on time! King of Sword represents DOMINION! Becareful though not getting to into the details when working with others so much that you can cause others to turn cold towards you. You are of a much higher intelligence is what the dead are saying. So, you must procede with caution because you don’t want to lose this position. Politics is positive for positive things so you must learn to be easy when working with others. Remember this card is you and can over power some times. Take heart because you have made it thus far.


Last Card Drawn – Queen of Cups

20180428_200222.jpg The Queen of Cups represents favor and blessings to you. I also kinda get hung up sometimes over the female and male aspect cards. I always believe its an aspect of the person I am reading but I really do see it now as a female of great reputation who has this person’s back. This is great news! A reason why I look at it as the aspect part of the person is because it says that the person which is being read can be influenced or just has this energy of being or acting as a care giving person like a parent. It says mother but obviously us dudes can’t be mothers, sisters, aunts and gramas lol. The aspect par is that if it’s a male, the male is the caring person that feels fatherly and motherly towards a group or just a larger percentage of the people that this person who is being read is around. All in all the dead say….Trust in her!

This has been a Cris Blakk Psychic Reading using the Santa Muerte Tarot by Fabio Listrani.


Malingnos Ritual Workshop Online Radio

On these segmented shows I talk about every day life and just working out our problems on a cellular level and an energetic level where we come to know it is a quantum biological process and not a religion. Alchemic crafts are not dumb nor are they wrong. They are absolute and can I tell you that if you had your chakras aligned that candle magick would manifest at a more powerful rate. So yeah magick or mind work but the whole shabang. I don’t leave nothing out but the bullshyt. I don’t promote lies. I don’t promote racism, misogyny, hate, bigotry, money hungry, charlotanism, or the idea of god in the sense that we are going hell for our thoughts or a specific religion. I don’t hate religions or the people. When was it ever wrong for prosperity to come out of any of it in wellness and truth and not in any negative aspect then who are we to say. I don’t support anything evil. I am not on the hunt like some lunatic trying to find every wrong thing with the “higher ups”. If my vibes aint down with it then I’m walking away. On the radio I just don’t talk about anything like that. I have spoke about those things in the sense of saying that perhaps I didn’t think something was healthy for me personally because it involved those things but a larger percentage of the time I talk about positive, elevating through a building mindset and a purpose for peace and the rise of utopic values with in all our communities all over the world and especially on this beautiful America which I love so dear. The first radio show I ever did was Blakk Fire Radio then a dear friend had mentioned that my mark was gonna be plasticized if I don’t want how I use it for marketing purposes. Eh well I heard this video of a witch that was really cool and reminded me of my pops. Not because he was a witch but because there attitude was the same and they had the same look in away. The guy was removing this energy either from a person or a room and he said the word Malignos and I thought of the word Malignant but then again at the time I was hung up on dark stuff but that’s just your Malignos Radio History.


I say also Workshop because each one teach one. We are all able to work on each other in wellness and good heart. When two humans get together to have a conversation whether they know each other or are friends or not, the idea of lifting each other up in magnitude of light and love and encouraging words, teaching each other a greater wellness then that is the purpose of life. I don’t care if you are doing good or bad. If you are getting together with others and lifting each other up in your community or at least having a decent good time involving any uplifting and positive thing then that is all and you have hit the bullseye. When we who are alive in elevating energy and succeeding or moving forward in life using our healing abilities to heal and our experiences shared while having lunch or chatting online is what is our true purpose and is the reason why we are all experiencing this present age together.

Take a listen to Malignos Ritual Workshop on Blogtalk Radio.

Cris Blakk

Forward, Humans

Time is now the only solution. Time is how we go on or maybe not for some but this whole earth boat pushing through the best way we can on a daily is at least better than giving up. Time is all we got man! All I can say is that I am living and trying. My hope for the climbing up whatever ladder this is supposed to be on a personal level is always strong and ready to go. Even if it goes on a road that is so unfair in so many ways for so many people but what can we do but get in onward soldier mode. My soul is still going. So many frames of life like movie clips rhat keep clicking and showing nice and strong scenes and got me thinking on all the how, whens and why or why-nots in my life. I don’t see whats so hard about living in peace even with someone who is nothing like you. Why is it so hard to have peace with your neighbor? Are you afraid your neighbor is going to barge right into your house and take your wife and kids or belongings? Why are you so afraid and live in fear? You are the reason why this world is fucked up! I do see now why and that is loss. I know stupid because it’s an assumption. A simple stupid notion based on assumption. Why stupid? Because not one notion was ever right. You may see relationships that are weird to you but it’s not weird to the rest of the world and maybe it is just because two people want it to be and that is not wrong either. The biggest reason for racism and hate and all the bigotry all over America and the world is loss. The whole reason for hating dark-colored skinned people, gays, people of different religion or whatever else people hate on so foolishly is because of the ability we all carry to do more than a regular human can do. This where jealous energy comes in. We were made to be magical and reach heights that have not been met. There are certain men in this world that will never meet those fetes. There are certain men and women that can’t do higher minded things and sometimes those very same people exist as the most wealthiest and are able to move the ground under our feet to make them happy that a single creature existing in a magnetic field of utopia and for whatever reason you can’t seem to get your own magnetic field going, you wanna destroy what you can’t have. So in the year 2018 what do we do about this?

I say the reason why Utopia is not forming right before our very eyes is that the playing field is super uneven. The number of homeless and poor folks who can’t afford certainties in this life, like homes. Did you know that the bank is holding homes right now ready to be bought while so many people die and suffer in the street? This is so evil man!  I’ts not supposed to be: “Kill or be killed, Dog eat dog”…..that’s evil. Selfishness is why we are all in this position. Greed and the blood of the innocent are the reasons why we are all just not happy. From The Higher up in society to the middle class, lower class, homeless and world travelers, I don’t think anyone on this train which people are clueless to the rat race. But really we as the human race need to get the fuck off the greed and hustle train, man!

We are all killing each other because “they” taught us how to live like this even centuries before our great great great grandparents so it’s not our faults that we were born into the belly of the beast and now trying to climb out. You think I wish don’t wish I owned a great big house and land in the country? So peaceful, so quiet. I ignore it all now. I used to have a misunderstanding of why certain people turn their head from attrocity. Its not that they are turning their head. It’s that they are waiting just like me. So there is nothing we can do but move forward to the point where we are stealth. Besides the powers that be, the truth, who we are, the reason they killin us, the truth….all I can say is that we know it and you know it! So, just chill and move forward like if you just don’t even see or care about everything and in your chamber you manifest forward. Smile and redirect the energies accordingly. Remember, these people are fighting for their last hooras. They don’t understand, look at their minds and how they hate and kill each other for money. That will all fade away. In the mean time let the swamp drain if it’s really going to because if you ask me it’s always a fucking show or a lie like both sides in the deep s t a t e lol. I just stay to myself and continue to manifest. In the end, all that matters is where your heart was at. They don’t let us win and show because then they wanna kill. If there was a way to go back to the way things were where there is no industrial revolution and people just sing and dance and you don’t have to pay it. There was no homeless but travelers and they were always well. If they needed medical attention, they got it. Food? Got it. Clothes, things a wagon ride, money, man, back then a traveler lived life exactly the way it probably should have been lived even then. Imagine if we could all barter and make our own way to live with water and electricity?

Imagine if we all went back to that natural life. Where the waters were clean and so was the soil, water and food. No sicknesses. No hospitals but every portion of gathered people had their own medical type care person. Imagine how fruit tasted or certain vegetables. Imagine how the air smelled back then and the beaches. Grass and soil must have been so perfect and glowing. Imagine the energy you can feel in the air without your ears hissing with them damn EMF or whatever the hell that sound torture they are trying to do to us. I know my ears don’t ring to my death, thats bullshyt. Fuck tv and people making money off of other’s talents. Imagine if we had the chance to entertain people the old school way. Imagine if we could all farm. Imagine if we could all take care of the animals and do it being cool with each other even if we are black, white, asain, latino and have different views and religions or not but still be able to live together?

When I was a kid and played in the school parking lot, all the teachers and people politically connected would always be hanging out and so many people laughing and smiling and getting along. Kids not caring about skin color or religion but playing together and also laughing and making fun of stuff. I remember this clearly as a kid and as an adult sorry to say. People all over this city if you’re not shooting someone, stabbing them or trying to ruin their lives because of the color of their skin then at least you can say that its moving forward. I think that is whats happening. I must say in NY you don’t see people of color fighting like it was way back in the 60s 70s and 80s. I don’t get it but whatever. I always hear stupid shyt coming out of people’s mouths. Not only am I psychic but I can hear very well from a long ways away whether it’s behind my back and I hear what people say. Not saying that they are talking about me but I hear things at certain times when there is drama being riveted into the atmosphere even if it wasn’t a big deal but anyways, The whole defending has to come to a point where we are stealth, flint faced and acting like we don’t care and just move forward. The worst thing you can do to the opposition is ignore them because that just makes anyone wanna quit but at least their energy cannot come anywhere near you because you chose not to allow anything they say or do move you in any way. Did you know that the media lies with all the bad news all the time because a larger population and percentage of people all over the world do not want to fight or be against each other even for the reasons of religion. There are more people of different paths getting along and living regularly on a daily but the news doesn’t cover that.

One thing I do know for sure and that is when you find the right friends to build with, trust me when I say don’t lose them because that is something better than blood. Let’s instead of waiting on manifestations, lets just make this year the year of all years. Work hard and get a head start so that the universe see us making and paving for what we really want. You can pray for or manifest a desire you choose to obtain in life but you will never get it the way you will if you put your hands and feet to the work of it. You gotta physically act like you living that manifestation or prayer and then you will truly see the Universe in your favor.


Cris Blakk

By Cris_Blakk