Think Differently with New Thinking

When you can’t see the messages coming in telling you about change but you had no idea it was all about the way we all think. Not everyone has severe trauma. So, there are a nice bunch of people out there that don’t need it so much. Still, there are also many that need this.

For so long my friend Lynn said you need to develop a new way of thinking. This stuck in my head for years. It was because I had no idea how the thought process I would engage in was toxic to my soul. You don’t know because it’s a slow cooker and at the time you don’t realize you are or have been living in survival mode.

I love all the zen shyt now! It makes me happy to be in the present but healthy and wellness for mindfulness and mindfull thinking. We tend to stay in the increasing tensions of survival just because we had a nice spa or cleansing. We must learn to be more of all that. But give yourselves credit because anyone that is part of the every day hustle and bustle….”the matrix” AND paying your bills and keeping your lodging and transportation is amazing when you are maintaining that zen, spirituality or mental balance….whatever but I the Baba ganesh applaud you. It’s not easy being balanced in this world when there are “ugly on the inside” evil people always trying to make it hard for those who carry a light for the bettering of our families and environment.

Change is inevitable and it will happen without your consent. However, if you are ill prepared then you will notice yourself struggling with your every day lives due to many personal things but for one, emotions when you should have let long ago. Don’t allow pride to dictate your elevations and furthering and/or well, manifesting.

Part of a healthier mind is seeking the things we consume to be well and right for us and our bodies. We were never really supposed to eat animals and well there it is. And what follows this act in our current age is powdered drinks, soda, fast food, greasy foods and candy. Raw veggies help us to cleanse all the crap we have been shoveling in our temples for decades. Drinking water with lemons and pink Himalayan salt out of glass can help a great deal with keeping us from getting worse. When I say getting worse, I mean I know so many older folks who tell me they are paying out their ass with medical like taking all these pills that are causing them to hold on to their physical lives by a thread. This is because they didn’t care what they were eating before when they were younger. Comfort food after 40 is suicide. It sucks but I gave up coffee because I would force cooking fat shyt egg sammis in the morning for half a century almost. It was like a religion for me to have a pastry or egg sandwich with my coffee every time and if it wasn’t as perfect as I desired, I would get mad. I would get so mad that I’d “show my ass”! I laugh now but it was a real struggle for me. I am still having a hard time but I let go of the anger. I am so much better now. I love fasting and clearing my food track. This resets the body and helps you drop unwanted weight.

Changing the way you think also helps to mend family relationships which are worth saving. Forgiveness is a much heavier subject and not needed to get into it at this moment but I will tell you this. A true forgiveness which is balanced from both sides….you know real and not FAKE? Yeah, that part? Yeah! That’s what can lead to a great thing like that from changing our thinking and the way we eat, drink and maintain our lodging environment or immediate living quarters. If we get into chakras and meditation because we still have a slight “heard mentality’ then we will also notice becoming stagnant on our spiritual or mental journey. We first gotta go deep within and let go and forgive ourselves for the beating we give ourselves in a subconscious level when we were trying to survive. Then others and try to be in the present fully and balanced so that we are not falling back or constantly needing help. Let’s all get more zen. Remember our ancestors like from KEMET and Guatemala. They created miracles and manifested from paious actions and engaging in a flow of paiousness. I’m not saying you have to do it but please for your health sake and your family and environment is why you should try all this.

Thank you all and SARAVA 💚🙏🏾